اللجوء إلى التنفيذ بالشيكات في القانون الإماراتي

(اللجوء إلى التنفيذ بالشيكات في القانون الإماراتي) الشيك هو أداة وفاء شائعة في التعاملات التجارية والمالية في الإمارات، ويعتبر القانون الإماراتي الشيك وسيلة أساسية لضمان الحقوق المالية. نص القانون الاتحادي رقم (50) لسنة 2022 بإصدار قانون المعاملات التجارية على عدة حالات يمكن من خلالها اللجوء إلى التنفيذ بالشيك للحصول على الحقوق المالية المستحقة. إليك أبرز هذه الحالات: […]
Dr.Ahmed Saber (Legal Consultant)

Summary Dr.Ahmed Saber is a legal consultant with a total of 28 years of experience in the legal field, 15 of which are UAE focused. He served as a legal counsel in a magic circle law firm for over 8 years. Ahmed is a Holder of a Master’s degree from CUCA (City University College of Ajman).Dr.Ahmed […]
Federal Decree by Law No. (41) of 2023 on Regulating the Auditing and Accounting Professions

Our rights services at “Dr. Ahmed Saleh” Law Office cover a wide range of legal areas, including in employment and commercial defence, ethics and commercial judgeship, personality matters, constituent laws and the liberal professions. In this blog, we will cover Federal Decree by Law No. (41) of 2023 on Regulating the Auditing and Accounting Professions […]
Federal Decree-Law on Countering Rumors and Cybercrimes

Our legal services at “Dr. Ahmed Saber Saleh” law firm cover a wide range of legal areas, including criminal defense, civil and commercial litigation, and personal status matters. In this blog, we will discuss the Federal Decree-Law on Countering Rumors and Cybercrimes. Download PDF Federal Decree-Law No. (34) of 2021 On Countering Rumors […]
Cabinet Resolution No. (43) of 2024 Concerning the Treatment of Non-Resident Foreigners Arrested at UAE Ports with Narcotic Drugs or Psychotropic Substances in their Possession

Our legal services at “Dr. Ahmed Saber Saleh” include criminal defense, civil and commercial litigation, and personal status matters, and cover a wide range of legal areas. In this blog, we begin Cabinet Resolution No. (43) of 2024 the provisions of this Resolution shall apply to any foreigner who is not resident in the State […]